Tuesday, May 19, 2009


The Lucky Charms I just ate had way too many marshmallow in them. It was like 10 mallows for every misshaped wheat circle or whatever they are made of. I always wondered if they were actually made of marshmallow materials or if it's just a bunch of candy like crap bunched up. Either way Lucky Charms is a good tasting cereal although I would take Cocoa Crispies over them any day.

So today I was supposed to work at my so called job. All I do is drive around all day/night, listen to music, and deliver food to fat people (and when i say fat, I just want to tell some of them to never order again). I get these horrible tips sometimes and it's like dude what do you honestly want me to do with this dollar? Should i call collect to your house and tell you how much of a shitty tip that is or....? Atleast learn to tip someone well if they are coming to your house to deliver food to your fat ass watching American Idol. Anyways i'm off today because someone wanted to take my shift so why not! I'm going to sit at home and watch some hockey like every night, man do I love playoff season! Mikey is coming to hang out tonight to watch the game because his team is playing (I hope they lose).

Anyways i'm off! Always doing big thangz

1 comment:

kate said...

you have this whole thing backwards.
the marshmallows are the BEST part of lucky charms.
i wish i ever got 10 per every wheat shit thing!