Friday, May 22, 2009

Delivery Stories...

So I'm going to make this one short but swell (not a reference to an asian "member")

I left the restaurant at approximately 6:25 to make a delivery 2 miles away. I get to the front door and as he opens it I immediately realize he has two cute shitzuus or however you spell those furry pets. Anyways, he's signing the paper for his credit card and the dogs start humping eachother and I believe they are both of the male origin. So then it gets more awkward once I say "well that looks fun". I immediately regretted that statement but you only live once right, unless you're a cat. As I'm leaving and he's closing the door he puts a smirk on his face and the last thing he says is "i neuter them and they still mount eachother"

The End, Back to work.

1 comment:

kate said...

i wish i was you.