Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Art Of...

I'm going to start something new. I'm going to name it "The Art Of..." and it's going to feature things that should be learned. Most of them don't make sense and will never be used but hey atleast I can look like an idiot and you can laugh, i'm used to it.

For the first one you should be learning how to laugh with tongue involved. It's weird looking, you will probably come off as a pedophile when you hang around middle schools, if you do this.... and it will make people feel uncomfortable (which is always a plus).

Example below, with something else you can learn to do thrown in. Hey why not!

Velveeta or nothing.

I'm going to dream tonight and then write it down tommorow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahah derek you're a freakk
but you made me laugh :)

plus i just read your whole blog!