Monday, May 25, 2009

I figured out 100% of 1% of my life..

So let me start off with, I like to pace around when I talk on the phone. I basically run half speed or speed walk while chatting on this mobile device I have for no reason. Some people walk patiently in circles around their house or wherever they are and I run. I'm not sure if this is normal but I make a few laps around my house (when I say a few it's honestly 10 times or more).

With that said let's talk about running. What runs? runners run and so does water, which now brings me to the next subject. Woke up this morning to a noise of running water but it wasn't a sink sounding noise. It was more of a pipe sound, so I went to check it out. It turns out my toilet was running. Have you ever seen a toilet run?

GOTCHA! well that's my made up story for today with a picture attached for goodluck. Kind of like a postcard or a medal to wish you luck on catching yours, even though those two things have nothing in mate?

Tommorow we are having a BBQ and here's a lesson on this word...

The indigenous peoples would dig a pit in the ground and put a whole carcass in it, cover it, and build a fire over the pit until the meat was done - usually overnight. This method of cooking was called "de barba a cola" which translated means from head to tail, or the whole carcass. "Barbacoa" was derived from "de barba a cola". So in other words why in the world would you ever burry meat in the ground? Do these people realize what they are doing or....That part just left me speechless. The burried meat would be good if it wasn't so bad, catch my drift? So tommorow we are having a barbacoa with some friends, probably about 5-10 of them. It should be fun, especially the part where I ask

"Would anyone like a side of dirt with their burger...I mean we are being traditional"

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