Sunday, December 13, 2009

If there is one funny thing...

If there is one funny thing about WWII....Someone decided to become an artist.

If there is one funny thing about American Apparel...They succeeded with this ridiculous pair of spandex

If there is one funny thing about the US Marine Corps....It created this monster

If there is one funny thing about peanut butter and jelly....It wasn't this song

If there is one funny thing about sleep walking....It would by far be this ARTICLE

If there is one funny thing about religion....Its the fact that someone actually tried to walk on water

If there is one funny thing about basketball games....You could win a free funeral

If there is one funny thing about the internet....I just learned how to kill a unicorn

Now that im done lets play a game....find the one thats different

*I do not patronize Nazi's in any way, but I do like being controversial.
Oh and just incase you were wondering about the history of violence with chairs.....Chare Violinz

Pipe Pipe Cherio!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

So I'm back..I know don't be too excited, save the energy for your fixed gear adventures to the bar. I've been thinking lately and it's about what I'm going to get my family for christmas. Should I go with the holiday sweater? Maybe the reindeer car costume so my dad can look like a complete idiot driving? Glow in the dark keyboard stickers?

One thing sold me this winter season, Super Soakers

You know something bugs me about the winter season..why do people put their tongues on things that are icy when they know its going to turn out bad? Ever licked your lips and stuck paper to it or even put ice on a dry lip? Apparently, experimenting with frozen poles isn't that unusual, especially this time of year.

I just saw a dog poop calendar on sale for $13 on a website....and that ain't no bullshit ;)